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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Organization of the Thesis

The remainder of the thesis is organized as follows:
Chapter two reviews the literature on CRM and proposes the CRM conceptual model to
be used for the current study.

Chapter three details the research methodology used and the reasons for each decision
made by the researcher.

Chapter four reports the first stage of the analysis and includes a detailed write-up on the
central case study, Ford of Britain.

Chapter five reports the detailed write-ups on the three banks analyzed in the current

Chapter six reports the detailed write-ups on both Saudi airline and Standard life.

Chapter seven reports the detailed write-ups on the two small family businesses in the
current study: Bahrawi and Noortech.

Chapter eight reports the second stage of the analysis, the cross-case analysis and its

Chapter nine discusses and interprets the research findings along with the conclusions
and some managerial implications.


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